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The Vákner is a wild beast, with a presence as fleeting and enigmatic as it is dangerous and harmful, that lived in the mountains that separated the plateau of the Xallas and the coast of Fisterra. In the lands that stand in the Camino Xacobeo from Santiago de Compostela to the end of the world of the ancients.
The Vákner Territory route is a medium-difficulty route, with an estimated duration of between four and five hours (15km) round trip. Its route passes through A Ponte Olveira, Olveiroa, O Logoso, Pedra do Brazal, Hospital and returns to the starting point: A Ponte Olveira.
Route features:
  • Length of the route: 7,700m (+/-)
  • Average slope: 5%
  • Starting elevation: 262 meters above sea level
  • End elevation: 342 meters above sea level
  • Elevation gain: 80m
  • Difficulty: medium
  • Duration: 1: 50h (one way)
In addition, it offers five derivations that lead to places and monuments of interest such as: the chapel of St. Lucia, where a pilgrimage is held on Pentecost Monday to worship the healing power of the holy fountain on eye diseases, the dam of the Ponte Olveira, the Castrelo reservoir, the banks of the Xallas river as it passes through Xestosa or the one that visits the parishes of Xestosa, San Crimenzo, Santa Uxía and O Ézaro.
# DumbríaéTurismo
# DumbríaéDeporte
# DumbríaéNatureza
# DumbríaéCamiño
# TerritorioVákner
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