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A natural environment, a paradise for lovers of oaks, tranquility, fresh water and heritage. You will be able to get to know its oaks following the course of the river through the wooden river promenade; you will be able to know the Devesa da Lúa which is how this oak grove is also known, precisely because of its crescent shape.
Next to the oak grove are: the parish church of Santiago de Berdeogas, the dovecote , an unexcavated castro and a barn curious about its number of feet. A mystery!
And if that weren't enough, this magical place is where the Festa da Familia is celebrated every year in July , a festival in which families and friends gather to enjoy a pilgrimage together in the countryside, where you can't miss the Mass, music, dancing and good food!
# DumbríaéTurismo
# DumbríaéNatureza
# DumbríaéFesta
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